AIDA64 Extreme is a PC diagnostic tool that monitors your PC and provides lots of useful information when errors are found in the system. The different tabs allow you to take a thorough look at all the different areas of your PC. It also easily retrieve data for the CPU, BIOS, operating system, running services, monitor, hard drives etc, easily. All this is just a...
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Voxal Voice Changer is an interesting tool that lets you modify your voice in real time. You can change both the tone and volume of your voice to be used with all types of games, music, and other platforms. All you need in order to use this tool is your computer's microphone. Once you open the tool and pick the tone you want, everything you say comes out modif...
ScummVM 2.7.1 for Windows
ScummVM lets you use modern computers to play an endless number of classic 'point and click' graphic adventure games that were most popular at the beginning of the 90s and developed by LucasArts, Sierra, or Westwood, among others. To use the program you will need the original files of the game you want to play, which you look for on ScummVM and add to you...
Wise Data Recovery for Windows
Wise Data Recovery is a free program designed to help you recover files that you may have accidentally deleted, or that disappeared mysteriously from your hard drive or USB memory. It doesn't matter what you've lost - photographs, text documents, or emails that have been 'permanently' erased and marked as empty space by your operating system are...
FastCopy 5.4.1 for Windows
Although nowadays copying files and folders using the file explorer included in Windows is easy, some users miss some advanced options. FastCopy is a free and open source application for Windows that offers you those advanced options you need when using the built-in file-explorer. We can choose to copy a file or an entire folder, choose the buffer size, the cop...